


Progressive Facebook Assignment 

Good example done by former student:

Useful Links:

http://www.britishempire.co.uk/maproom/egypt.htm (Britain in Middle East)

http://www.britishempire.co.uk/maproom/iraq.htm (Britain in Middle East)

http://courses.wcupa.edu/jones/his312/lectures/fren-occ.htm#motivation (France Imperialism)


http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica/index_section11.shtml (Imperialism links)


http://teachingpoint.com/BevNationalismImperialism.html -This site has numerous links containing information on New Imperialism 

http://regentsprep.org/Regents/global/themes/imperialism/index.cfm Great Website-Lots of good information

http://www.yale.edu/gsp/colonial/belgian_congo/index.html-Belgian Congo-Congo Free State 

http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/1898/-Spanish American War-American Imperialism 


http://www.canalmuseum.com/ Panama Canal Information 

Imperialism PowerPoint




You and a partner will be assigned one of the 11 topics listed below





-Research all aspects of your assigned topic and become and "expert".



Take notes as you research (You will hand these in the day of your presentation).

As you research, take note of which websites you use within your presentation .  



Create a minimum of a 10 slide PowerPoint



32 font minimum



Include pictures and graphics throughout 






Possible topics: 



1)Annexation of Hawaii 2) Building the Panama Canal



3) Spoils of Spanish American War-What did the U.S. gain in terms of territory? 4) Great Britain and Imperialism in Africa 5) France and Imperialism in Asia 6) Spheres of Influence/Open Door Policy in China



7) Boxer Rebellion 8)Belgium in Africa-Belgian Congo 9) U.S. opens trade in Japan 10) Germany and Imperialism in Africa



11) Monroe Doctrine-Roosevelt Corollary-Worldwide implications What to 






Slide 1-Topic Name, your names, class period and a picture of your topic



Slide 2-Map of area(s)



Slide 3-5-Overview of your topic-Include:



Specific causes?



What exactly happened?










Who were the key figures? 


Slide 6-How the country benefited? For example, did Britain or France make money?  Did it create jobs? Did they bring better technology/medicine? If none of the above questions pertain, explain how the topic benefited those involved.  



Slide 7-How did the indigenous people react? How did it affect their daily lives-discuss  positive and negative implications/implications today



Slide 8,9,10-Pictures, maps, diagrams with a brief explanation for each

You will be graded on the following, so keep this in mind: 1)Time on task-are both of you working? 2) Research and notes



3)Accuracy 4) Following directions 5) All content/questions answered



Please do not copy and paste!  This is a research project, and the information should be in your own words.



Due Tuesday October 


Rubric below:












Spanish American War Web Search 1

Spanish-American War Webquest


1. Use the interactive worksheet below to answer the questions given to you on your handout.

2. Text for each question is hyper linked.

3. Worksheets are due by the end of the class period



1.      What did the Cespedes Constitution of 1869 call for?

2.      What was the Ten Years War most serious problem?

3.      Why is Fredrick Jackson Turner's thesis an important concept to the Spanish-American War?

4.      Why was the US able to pay attention to the Cuban Independence Movement of the 1890's?

5.      What were the specifics of General Weyler's Reconcentration Policy?

6.      According to historians, what were the roots of the Philippine Revolution?

7.      What was Katipunan?

8.      McKinley begins to be called upon by people, such as William Randolph Hearst, to do something about the atrocities occurring in Cuba.  What is McKinley's response?

9.      Why did Roosevelt say, "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one."

10.  What was the official name of the Rough Riders?

11.  Why did McKinley ask Congress for money in December of 1897?  How much did the President himself donate?

12.  What was the headline in the New York Journal covering the De Lome Letter?

13.  How big of an award did William Randolph Hearst offer for the capture of the perpetrator of the USS Maine explosion?

14.  What have conspiracy theorists pointed to as the cause of the USS Maine explosion?

15.  When did Congress declare war?  When did the war officially end?

16.  What political position did Roosevelt win initially after his return from Cuba?

17.  Why was Tampa, Florida chosen as a staging grounds?

18.  Who ratifies treaties and what percent of a vote does ratification require?

BONUS: How many states were there in 1899?








 Part II-Spanish American War



1.   Describe the reward offered for the "detection of the Perpetrator of the Maine Outrage."    (How much, and who posted it?)


2.   Explore the Headline Gallery and select one of the samples. Write down the headline. Explain how this might have inflamed American passions for war.





3.   How effective was the Dynamite Gun used in the Spanish American War?  (Describe briefly how well it worked.)





4.   Who is called the "father of Yellow Journalism" , and why was he called this?


5.   In April 1898 Senator Henry M. Teller (Colorado) proposed an amendment to the U.S. declaration of war against Spain.  What did this amendment say?


6.   Who commanded the "Rough Riders"


7.   John Hay, Secretary of State, wrote a letter to Theodore Roosevelt describing the Spanish-American war as…





8.  When the United States refused to give the Philippines their independence, who led the Filipino forces in opposition to the U.S. ?  What kind of war was it? (Scroll down to RENEWED CONFLICT IN THE PHILIPPINES)


9.    Who was Alfred Thayer Mahan?  What did he recommend with regard to the U.S. military?


10. Explain the Boxer Rebellion.




























October 10-13

Monday-18.1 assigned 

Tuesday-Quiz 18.1/18.2 assigned/Computer web search 1

Wednesday- Web Search 1 continued 18.2 due

Thursday-OGT Blue Book chapter 18 assigned


October 3-7

Monday-Review Guides due Wednesday

Tuesday-Jeopardy Review-In class

Wednesday- Unit 1 Exam

Thursday-Intro to Imperialism 18.1 1-5 assigned

Friday-Is America an Empire?  18.1 due



Monday-Finish Web questions 1-8/collect at end of class.  Assigned #9 and The Jungle reading chapter 2

Tuesday-Jim Crow Laws/Read 17.3 

Wednesday- Jim Crow-Continued

Thursday-Study Guides

Friday-Review for Unit 1 Test


HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES (Hypertext Edition) by Jacob Riis






Use the above link for assigned readings.








Unit 1 Test-Industrial Revolution -October 5



Gilded Age Web Search 9/23

"What is the chief end of man?--to get rich. In what way?--dishonestly if we can; honestly if we must."
-- Mark Twain-1871

Please use the links below to answer the following questions regarding the Gilded Age.  


For questions 1-4, use the above link

1) In 1890, how many American families earned less than $1200 per year?

2) What was the average annual income for many American families in 1890 America?

3) How many workers went on strike in 1886?  

4) Who was Boss Tweed and what did he do for many poor immigrants?    



5) Explore the different pictures and articles concerning Chinese in America.  After reading and viewing the information, why do you suppose that their was such widespread racism?  

6)  Which article or cartoon shocked or surprised you the most?  Why?   


7) After viewing the pictures associated with child labor (above link), why do you suppose that the government let children work in these conditions?  Why did their parents let them work?  What does this tell you about America during this time period?


8)After clicking on the above link, scroll down and read 4 stories and briefly summarize each in no less than 1 paragraph. 

9) Read chapter 2 in   THE JUNGLE

What does Jurgis experience in Packingtown?  Describe his new hometown in detail.  Please give specific examples of the working and living conditions described.  


Week of September 19. 2011

Monday-Assigned OGT Blue Book reading pages 229-250.  Read and answer questions 1-10 on page 250

Tuesday-Notes on Populism/Progressives  Assigned reading 16.1 1-5

Wednesday-Continue notes/16.2 assigned 1-5

Thursday-Group Investigation/16.3 1-5

Friday- Group Investigation/16.4 assigned 1-5



Week of September 12, 2011




Monday 9/12/11: Finished 9/11 activity


Intro to Westward migration and Native American conflict


Notes 15.1/assigned reading 15.1 and anwer 1-5


Tuesday 9/13-Continue notes/computer activity below:


The Morril Land-Grant Act, Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Acts all helped further the push west.  




Using the links below, answer the following questions regarding westward expansion


http://theautry.org/explore/exhibits/sod/documents.html (Women of the West Museum)

1)Free land was one of the major incentives the government offered to women and men who were willing to move to the plains. Would this be enough to convince you to leave home and start a new life in a new place? Why or why not?


2)Think about the reasons women and men move or relocate today. Are there similarities between the homesteaders' motivation for moving west and women and men moving around the country today?


3)What can Mattie Oblinger's letters teach us about the sod house frontier?


4)How do you define courage? Do you consider Mattie and Uriah Oblinger courageous? Why or why not?


5)There is an old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention." What does this saying mean? How does this saying apply to the homesteaders of the mid-1800s?


6)Letter-writing was Mattie Oblinger's main form of communication with her family. Think about how technology has changed the way we communicate with one another. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new technology?


7) Look at the pictures of different sod buildings in the link below.


.http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ndfahtml/hult_sod.html   Do you think it was the best way to build givne what they had?  Would you have been able to live in these conditions? Do you think life was easier or harder than living back east?  Explain.


8) Looking at the advertisements for land, did they do a good job of convincing people to leave and move?  What would you have added/taken away?  Why?


9) Conflict with Native Americans was a worry that many settlers faced as they arrived on thier land claim.  Was it  inevitable that settlers would take over all Native lands?  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/interview/tcrr-interview/


10) In all, how many treaties were signed and broken by the U.S. government and Native Americans?


11)  What happend at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?  Why?  How many people were killed?What was the ghost dance?   http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/woundedknee/WKmscr.html




12) What happened at the Battle of Little Bighorn? Who won?   http://www.nps.gov/libi/historyculture/the-battle-of-the-little-bighorn.htm




 http://www.nps.gov/jeff/planyourvisit/farmers.htm (Farmers)


http://www.nps.gov/jeff/planyourvisit/buffalo-hunters.htm (Buffalo Hunters)


http://www.nps.gov/jeff/planyourvisit/manifest-destiny.htm (Manifest Destiny)






Week of September 6, 2011


Homework Assignments:


14.4 1-5 due Wednesday 9/7/11


Book Covers due



You can use the following websites to help you find your answer.  Please write all answers on a separate sheet of paper.  

You and a partner (larger classes) will answer the following questions regarding your day off:
§1) What’s the big deal with labor day?  Why did you have yesterday off?  Give a brief summary on the history of this day.
§2) When did the day become a holiday?
§3) What person or group fought for the day to become a legal holiday?
§4) During the second Industrial Revolution, what rights were many workers lacking that they have today?  
§5) To what do we owe unions today?  Please list 5 things unions did for the everyday working person. 
§6) Choose a labor union to investigate and answer the following questions: a)Name of Union b) when union was started c) reasons for creation  d) lasting impact today




The Great Strikes


Wednesday September 7-8


Use the  link below to research the history of labor unions in the United States.  











Answer all of the following questions using both section 4 and the internet.  


1) Why was there such a huge gap between the rich and poor during the late nineteenth century?  


2) What is the difference between Socialism and Communism?  


3) What countries today are controlled by communists? Socialists?


4) Why was Socialism a threat to many Americans?


5) What is a trade union/labor union?


6) Why did unions form?  What were they trying to do?


7) What was the first trade union?  Who did it serve?


8) Define collective bargaining.  How is collective bargaining used today?


9) What is a strike?  When are strikes used?


10) Why did many employers fear unions?


11) What happened at each of the following strikes: Pullman and Homestead


12) What is a scab?  


13) Find an article that deals with labor union rights today.  In no less than 1 paragraph, summarize what the article is about, as well as what specific labor issues are at stake.



1-13 due Friday 9/9/11






 Friday/Monday -Remembering 9/11  


  Class discussion/Flight 93 Discovery Channel Film


http://911digitalarchive.org/index.php (Very nice site with lots of information on 9/11/01)